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Kevin’s Out of Hours School Care is committed to respecting the importance of positive interactions and relationships between children, families, staff and committee.  We acknowledge that children have the same rights as adults and recognise the diversity that exists in everyone and endeavour to provide a safe and secure environment for expressing that individuality.


Given that we engage only in practices that are respectful of, and provide security for, children and that in no way degrade, endanger, exploit, intimidate or harm them psychologically or physically.  We encourage children’s learning in identifying their own rights, needs and feelings those of others.  We help them to interact effectively and, in doing so, to gain an understanding of empathy.


The policy below aims to illustrate how this is done.






One tool we use to ensure children understand what is expected at OHSC, is the use of the children's created rules.  These are displayed at OHSC and also here.




Behaviour Guidance Policy

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